Code of Conduct
Guests of Babbarra Women’s Centre are to familiarise themselves with and adhere to this Code of Conduct, which reflects the behaviour expected of artists, Guests, volunteers and visitors to the Babbarra Women’s Centre.
Centre means the Babbarra Women’s Centre, Maningrida, Northern Territory as well as other places where Guests represent Babbarra Women’s Centre including art fairs and exhibitions.
Code of Conduct is a set of rules, regulations and guidelines which guests are expected to observe during their engagement with Babbarra Women’s Centre.
Guest means any person who is engaged by or who visits Babbarra Women’s Centre including but not limited to:
· Artists (hobbyist)
· Employees, being persons who receive payment for their time or art product from Babbarra Women’s Centre including:
– CDP participants
– Casuals
– Permanent staff; and
– Contractors
· Volunteers and interns; and
· Guests of Babbarra Women’s Centre.
All Guests must also adhere to the Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation (BAC) Code of Conduct and Values Charter.
Code of Conduct philosophy
Babbarra Women’ s Centre prides itself on providing a safe, healthy and happy art centre in Maningrida for women from the age of 16.
Guests must comply with the Centre’s Code of Conduct to provide a safe and happy workplace for other artists and Centre staff.
Guests must comply with the cultural protocols for working in Indigenous communities.
All Guests are expected to:
• Observe all BAC policies, procedures, rules and regulations
• Comply with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations applicable to their engagement with the centre
• Comply with all reasonable, lawful instructions of the Centre Manager and decisions related to their work or engagement with the Centre
• Maintain a high degree of ethics, integrity, honesty and professionalism in dealing with community members and other Guests
• Maintain the confidentiality of the Centre’s operations in relation to service activities, confidential documentation and work practices during and after their employment
• Maintain appropriate confidentiality regarding matters of a culturally sensitive nature for members of the Maningrida community, or any other BAC (individual or organisational) members or colleague
• Take reasonable steps to ensure their own health, safety and welfare in the workplace, as well as that of other Guests and community members.
Guest behaviour
Guests should not:
• Discriminate against another Guest or community member on the basis of sex, age, race, religion, disability, pregnancy, marital status or sexual preference
• Engage in fighting or disorderly conduct that makes anybody feel unsafe in the Centre
• Sexually harass other Guests and community members
• Threaten or verbally abuse Guests or visitors
• Steal, damage or destroy property belonging to the Centre or its Guests
• Work at or enter the premises of the Centre intoxicated or under the influence of controlled or illegal substances
• Smoke inside the premises or inside the Centre’s motor vehicles
• Accept benefits or gifts, which give rise to a real or apparent conflict of interest.
• Lend money to Board Directors of BAC
• Bring children to the Centre if they are of school age unless special circumstances apply and with the consent of the Centre Manager
• Request lifts for family members, including children, in the Centre’s motor vehicles
Purchase of Art or other product
Guests must:
• In Maningrida, only buy art from the art centre (Maningrida Arts or Babbarra Women’s Centre)
• Comply with the Art Centre policies and directions on the sale of their art
• Not ask for a discount on any purchase by themselves or on behalf of others
Dress code
Guests must:
• Dress suitably for their position and maintain a professional, neat and clean standard of grooming and attire at all times
• Ensure dress style is modest to show respect to other Guests and the BAC membership.
• Dress to comply with workplace health and safety regulations relevant to their work activities
Cultural Protocols
BAC will:
• Provide basic cultural induction when an employee is engaged
• Endeavour to provide ongoing guidance in cultural protocols
Guests should:
• Be aware that traditional cultural protocols are in operation all the time and need to be respected and accommodated. For example, avoidance relationships.
Privacy and confidentiality
Guests should:
• Securely store personal information provided by a client or employee
• Take reasonable steps to ensure this material is kept secure against:
o Loss
o Unauthorised access
o Modification or disclosure
o Misuse
Dealing with aggressive behaviour
• Guests are expected to provide high standards of service provision. The Centre does not accept any form of aggressive, threatening or abusive behaviour towards its staff or Guests by community members and other Guests
• If an employee is unable to calm the person and/or believes the situation places them or other Guests in danger, they should notify the Centre Manager who may call the police and exclude the person (if an artist) from further transactions.
• If a Centre employee believes that the situation is escalating and may become dangerous, they may close the Centre and drop everybody home.
Use of computers, telephones
Guests should:
• if applicable, provide a prompt, friendly and courteous telephone service
• Not share password/s of BAC equipment outside of BAC
Use of the Internet and email
Internet and email are provided to Guests for genuine work-related purposes
Guests should:
• Limit personal use to a minimum.
• Comply with copyright regulations when using the Internet or email
Guests should not:
• Divulge personal or confidential information via the Internet or email
• Use the Internet to access websites or send emails that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. This includes non-work-related material such as jokes, pornography or emails with potentially sensitive or offensive content that could be seen to breach the Equity, Anti-Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Policy and Procedure.
While the privacy of all Guests is respected, emails may be used as evidence if legal action is taken against a Guest.
This information may also be used as evidence of a breach of this Code of Conduct or the Equity, Anti-Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Policy and Procedure.
Social Media
Guests who refer to the Centre or other Guests or their artwork in social media posts or communications should:
• Seek permission before sharing images of projects and new campaigns related to Babbarra Designs Business
• Use social media for the promotion of artist and the Centre and for the sale of artwork
• Follow social media guidelines and ensure that photographs are high quality and that images of people show safe, healthy people connected to country.
• Ensure that social media content is edited and artists’ names and names of artwork in language is spelled correctly
Guests should not:
• post incessant images of artists, artwork and country on their personal social media
• use their position as an opportunity to promote their own social media personality or related business
Artists can:
• Use their own social media to promote their artwork
Artist cannot:
• sell artwork produced at Babbarra Women’s Centre direct to customers including via their personal social media accounts