Yawkyawk in Stone Country
Deborah Wurrkidj
Silk 100%
200cm × 130cm
Yawkyawk in Stone Country
Deborah Wurrkidj
Silk 100%
300cm × 130cm
Mabbúlarr (Calm Still Water)
Josephine James
Linen 60% Cotton 40%
200cm × 132cm
Mabbúlarr (Calm Still Water)
Josephine James
Linen 60% Cotton 40%
190cm × 132cm
man-kurdudjumuk – yellow colour silk
Jocelyn Koyole
Silk Crepe de Chine 100% and Bush Dyes
350cm × 130cm
Buluwana (Kuninjku Spirit Woman) 2022
Abigail Gurawiliwili Namundja, Jocelyn Koyole
Cotton 100% and Bush Dyes
245cm × 110cm
Red Bush Apple
Genevieve Smith, Jocelyn Koyole
Cotton 100% and Bush Dyes
180cm × 110cm
man-kurdudjumuk and ashes
Jocelyn Koyole
Silk and bush dyes
390cm × 137cm